Welcome to Discussing Objectivism. In the Content section below you will find the Reading and Assignments for our discussion. Please complete the reading and one (1) of the writing assignments before our discussion on Friday, February 14th from 10:00 am – 11:30 am.
Read the essay “Philosophy: Who Needs It”
Answer at least one (1) of the following questions, in 400 words or less.
- What are 2-3 major points that you think Rand is trying to convince you of in “Philosophy: Who Needs It”? How convincing do you find her case for these points? Explain.
- Rand says that the goal of her writing is “the projection of an ideal man.” Based on your reading of the essay and of Atlas Shrugged, how do you think this goal shapes her work as both a novelist and a philosopher? And what do you think is this basis of her claim that this is “the greatest value I could ever offer a reader”?
- Name 1-2 significant points that Rand makes in “Philosophy: Who Needs It” that you are not sure you understand. Explain what (if anything) you think you understand about each point and what you are uncertain of.
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