Writing is a skill, a creative activity. As such, it cannot be learned primarily by reading a textbook or listening to lectures. One learns to write by writing . . . and writing and writing and writing. This course builds on the skills acquired and lessons learned in Introduction to Writing, and students write and analyze writing throughout the course. The focus is on “applied philosophical writing”— i.e., nonfiction writing that applies philosophical thinking to current events and cultural and political issues. Intermediate Writing is designed to be taken concurrently with the second quarter of Introduction to Writing, though it can also be taken on its own with Introduction to Writing as a prerequisite.
Prerequisites or Corequisites: 200-level courses require that students are enrolled in or have completed the “16-Week Objectivism Seminar” (which has the Fiction course as a prerequisite) or have completed the “Intensive Seminar on Objectivism”. Additionally, for this course, “Introduction to Writing” is a corequisite.
Course Start Date: October 15, 2024
Instructor Keith Lockitch
Agustina Vergara Cid | avcid@aynrand.org (Lead TA)
Tristan de Liege | tdeliege@aynrand.org
Sam Weaver | sweaver@aynrand.org
Syllabus Syllabus
“Paper Discussion Schedule with Lead Student Editor Assignments”