Objectivism’s Approach to the Virtues

In this collection of talks, Tara Smith and Onkar Ghate survey three of the moral virtues that are most distinctive to the Objectivist ethics: independence, pride and productiveness. Lastly, Dr. Smith shows how some character traits (kindness, generosity and charity) are not moral virtues in principle (even though it can sometimes be good to be kind, generous, or charitable).

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 5 Lessons
  • Course Faculty

    Tara Smith
    Tara Smith
    Tara Smith is a professor of philosophy at the University of Texas. Her main interests concern the nature of values and virtues, and the requirements of objective law. Dr. Smith's legal interests center around proper methodology in judicial review and First Amendment issues. Her current research concentrates on privacy (both as a personal value and a legal right), and psychological dimensions of moral values, including the psychological challenges of aging.